Friday, March 27, 2020

How You Can Get Into Mit Chemistry Graduate Admissions

How You Can Get Into Mit Chemistry Graduate AdmissionsThe best part about being a MA or MS in M.Sc. in Mit Chemistry is that you will be able to get a job as a Chemistry Graduate Engineer with your school and you can work part time or full time. There are also ways in which you can get a job as a Graduate Chemist or Graduate Manager.It is important to know your strengths so that you can make the most of your time at Mit. You will have an interview that you will need to make sure that you have done well in and you will be asked about your academic background and also your future plans. Sometimes the school may also want to know your past work experiences.If you have any current employers that are interested in hiring you as a Graduate Chemist or Graduate Manager, then you will need to contact them directly. Once you get into the job market and start to show your ability in the field, it will be good for you to keep on your CV for future reference. When you do this, it will also be goo d for you to see how you are doing and show that you have the potential to get better.You will need to remember that the entry-level positions at Mit are a little different from the job market at Mit. Even though you will be looking for a PhD, there will be no pressure from the mentors. Also, you are not required to study for a year before your internship.Most times a Master's degree is sufficient to get you into Mit when you are looking for a job as a Graduate in Mit. Although the programs are very competitive, getting a PhD can take many years to complete.Of course, there are still opportunities for you to get into it once you have successfully completed your studies. However, you will have to apply at the time of your Masters or PhD graduation. This will ensure that you get the best job offer and you will be able to work with other people who are working for it.When you consider all of the job opportunities in Mit, you will be surprised to find that Mit Chemistry is actually a ve ry exciting career. You can actually work on a research team in a big company and still be able to help with local projects.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Chat With Billions of People Learn the 20 Most Common Languages in the World!

How to Chat With Billions of People Learn the 20 Most Common Languages in the World! How to Chat With Billions of People? Learn the 20 Most Common Languages in the World! Youve heard the big names: Chinese, Spanish, English.But have you heard of Lahnda? What about Telugu?This may come as a surprise, but  Lahnda and Telugu are, respectively, the 10th and 15th most commonly spoken languages in the world!Although they might not be quite as widely spoken as Chinese, Spanish or English, millions of people still speak them every day.According to The Washington Post, there are over 7,000 languages in the world.While most of these are spoken by a very small population and are therefore  obscure languages, there are some common languages that you may never have heard of, either.Since these are  practical languages to learn  and many are even  easy to learn, theyre a dream come true for language learners.But before we jump in and take a look at some things you might not know about the worlds 20 most commonly spoken languages, lets consider for a moment  why you should learn about them. Why You Should Know About the Worlds Most Common LanguagesOne obvious reas on to learn about the worlds most spoken languages is that they are useful. Once you know more about these languages, you might consider which language you should learn next. Speaking a foreign language can help you land a job, and since these languages are so widely spoken, theyre particularly useful.Additionally, you may very well encounter native speakers of these languages. If you learn their language, itll be tremendously helpful for communication. And even if you cant learn them all, just knowing a little about these languages will help give you more insight into the languages spoken by a majority of the people in the world.Finally, knowing more about these common languages will help you better  understand the world around you. The world is a complex place, but learning about the most common languages will give you insight into culture and geography that can help improve your overall understanding of the world around you.How to Chat With Billions of People? Learn the 20 Most C ommon Languages in the World!The figures included in this list are from Ethnologue, which tracks world languages to provide details on them and their speakers. While Ethnologue is available as a hardbound volume, information is also available through their online database.This list focuses on how many people speak each language as their first language. Lists of most spoken languages often vary quite wildly based on two factors: First, whether they include total number of speakers or just native speakers, and second, what languages or dialects are grouped together into a bigger language.Its also important to note that language usage is widespreadâ€"you may very well find any of these languages spoken in any corner of the globe. For the purposes of this list, well identify the places where each language is most common.Ive also included a common greeting for each languageâ€"in other words, an equivalent of hello in that language. Thatll also give you a taste of the different writing sy stems that some of the languages use. However, its very difficult to convey pronunciation for 20 different languages, especially those with tones and/or different writing systems, so instead Ive linked to a pronunciation site for each greeting. If you want to hear what a greeting sounds like, just click on it!Finally, you may not know about the other (free!) language and culture blogs that we have at FluentU. We currently have many blogs that are full of useful information to help you learn over a dozen different languages, so Ill include links to those blogs below when applicable.Lets begin!1. ChineseNumber of Speakers:  1.28 billionWhere Its Spoken:  China, Taiwan, SingaporeCommon Greeting:  ??Fun Facts:Chinese is a Sino-Tibetan language, making it a relative of Burmese and Tibetan.While English speakers lump Chinese together as one language, its actually a group of related languages. But even though theyre related, some of the languages are mutually unintelligible, meaning that s peakers cannot easily understand each other.Mandarin is by far the most spoken form of Chinese. Ethnologue estimates that there are 898 million Mandarin Chinese speakers.Chinese is tonal, which means pitch is used to convey meaning.The Chinese alphabet contains over 3,000 characters.There is written evidence of the Chinese language from 1250 B.C.The World Bank estimates the total world population at about 7.5 billion. Therefore, native Chinese speakers account for about 17% of the worlds total population.Chinese is one of the languages you can learn on FluentU!  You can also learn a lot more about Chinese on our Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture Blog!2. SpanishNumber of Speakers:  437 millionWhere Its Spoken:  Spain, most of Central America and Latin America, Equatorial GuineaCommon Greeting:  HolaFun Facts:Spanish is an Iberian Romance language, putting it in the same family as Portuguese. Iberian Romance languages evolved from the type of Latin spoken by merchants and soldiers .Hints of the Spanish language are evident in texts from the 9th century. However, it wasnt used systematically until the 13th century.While its vocabulary is largely based on Latin, a significant number of Spanish words also have Greek, Arabic and Gothic origins. Spanish has also borrowed words from indigenous American languages and other European languages.Spanish uses inverted exclamation points and question marks at the beginning of exclamations or questions. For instance,   ¡Hola!  (Hello!) or ¿Qué? (What?). This change was recommended by the Spanish Royal Academy in the mid-1700s and is fairly unique to the Spanish language. The only other languages that use these punctuation marks are other languages within Spain.The Spanish Language and Culture Blog is one of FluentUs most popular blogs!3. EnglishNumber of Speakers:  372 millionWhere Its Spoken:  United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, many Caribbean nations including the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada and moreCommon Greeting:  HelloFun Facts:English is a West Germanic language, making it a relative of German and Dutch.Anglo-Saxons who immigrated from continental Europe introduced Old English to the British Isles in the 5th century.Middle English emerged under French influence during the Norman conquest of the 11th century.According to Business Insider, English is the most popular second language to learn.According to the BBC, I is one of the oldest words in the English language.FluentU offers two different English blogs: one for regular English learners, and one for those interested in learning business English.4. ArabicNumber of Speakers:  295 millionWhere Its Spoken:  Most of the Middle East and North AfricaCommon Greeting:  ?????Fun Facts:Arabic is a Semitic language, making it a relative of the Hebrew language.While Classical Arabic developed in the 6th century, the roots of the language go back to nomads, with written evidence dating to the 1st cent ury.Arabic has influenced dozens of languages including Spanish, Turkish, Persian, Urdu, Bengali, Hindi, Punjabi, Greek and many more.Arabic is traditionally written from right to left.Formal Arabic used in media and formal settings is significantly different from colloquial Arabic.You can learn more about the language on FluentUs Arabic Language and Culture Blog.5. HindiNumber of Speakers:  260 millionWhere Its Spoken:  India, FijiCommon Greeting:  ??????Fun Facts:Urdu and Hindi are mutually intelligible, which means that speakers of each language can usually understand each other. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that theyre often lumped together as Hindustani.Hindi is an Indo-Aryan language, making it a relative of several other Indian languages like Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi and Romani.Hindi is a descendant of Sanskrit, which originated in the second millennium B.C.Hindi has borrowed words from Arabic and Persian. In fact, the very name Hindi comes from the Persian word Hin d, which means land of the Indus River.6. BengaliNumber of Speakers:  242 millionWhere Its Spoken:  BangladeshCommon Greeting:  ??????Fun Facts:Like Hindi, Bengali is an Indo-Aryan language.In Bangladesh, Bengali is also called Bangla.Bengali evolved from Sanskrit between 1000-1200 A.D.Encyclopedia Britannica reports that a study from the 1960s and 1970s revealed that only about half of Bengali words are original to the language. Another 45% come directly from Sanskrit.The remaining 5% were foreign loanwords, most frequently from Persian.Bengali doesnt have gendered nouns, and there are no capital letters.7. PortugueseNumber of Speakers:  219 millionWhere Its Spoken:  Portugal, Brazil, Goa (India), Macau (China), East Timor, many African nations including Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, East Timor, Mozambique, São Tomé and PríncipeCommon Greeting:  Olá  Fun Facts:Portuguese is an Iberian Romance language, making it a close relative of Spanish.The language evolved in th e medieval era and was named the official language of Portugal in 1290.The Portugal News reports that UNESCO has found that the languages popularity is on the rise.Most Portuguese words come from Latin. However, some words also come from pre-Roman Portugal, Arabic and German Gothic roots.Three letters were added to the Portuguese alphabet in 2009: K, Y and W. The letters were added because of increased English loanwords.If you want to hop on the Portuguese Train, head on over to our Portuguese Blog!8. RussianNumber of Speakers:  154 millionWhere Its Spoken:  Russia and several former Soviet statesCommon Greeting:  ????????????Fun Facts:Russian is an East Slavic language, related to Belarusian and Ukrainian.Old East Slavonic, an early form of the Russian language, dates back to the 10th century.Reports indicate that Russian is the second most used language on the internet.Based on comparing numbers of words in dictionaries, Lingholic  estimates that the Russian language has approxima tely 200,000 words. Compare that to 615,000 definitions in an English dictionary.FluentUs Russian Language and Culture Blog is a great place to find out more about this Top 10 language!9. JapaneseNumber of Speakers:  128 millionWhere Its Spoken:  JapanCommon Greeting:  ?????Fun Facts:Japanese is a member of the Japonic family of languages. This family includes several dialects of Japanese. The only other language in this group is Ryukyuan, which is sometimes considered a dialect of Japanese, although Japanese and Ryukyuan speakers often cannot understand the other language. Most dialects of Ryukyuan are endangered.It is thought that the predecessor of the Japanese language arrived in Japan around the 1st or 2nd century B.C. with settlers from Asia or Pacific islands.The Japanese language uses four different scripts. These include Kanji, in which one character represents an idea;  Hiragana, in which characters represent syllables; Katakana, which is similar to italics and used mostly for foreign words; and Romaji, which uses Latin script and is mostly used for foreigners.Japanese has no official status in Japan.Suffixes are often used to show different degrees of respect.You guessed it: FluentU also has a blog thats all about Japanese language and culture!10. LahndaNumber of Speakers:  119 millionWhere Its Spoken:  PakistanCommon Greeting:  ?? ???? ????(Lahnda-specific translations are difficult to come by, so please note that this is in Punjabi).Fun Facts:Lahnda can also be called Lahndi or Western Punjabi, though Western Punjabi is sometimes considered a dialect.Rather than being one language, Lahnda is a group of dialects.Lahnda is an Indo-Aryan language, making it related to Hindi, Urdu, Marathi and Bengali.Lahnda has much in common with Punjabi, but has a few different pronunciation and grammar rules.11. JavaneseNumber of Speakers:  84.4 millionWhere Its Spoken:  Java, IndonesiaCommon Greeting:  HaloFun Facts:Javanese is classified as an Austronesian langu age. This family of languages covers areas including Madagascar, islands in the Indian Ocean and islands in the Pacific Ocean. However, despite their apparent relation, Javanese has little in common with other languages in this group.Javanese can be written in three different scripts: Latin, Javanese or Arabic. Latin script is most common, but Javanese script is still widely taught.While there are three different dialects, speakers of each dialect can generally understand speakers of other dialects.Javanese contains loanwords from Sanskrit, Arabic, Dutch and Malay.12. KoreanNumber of Speakers:  77.2 millionWhere Its Spoken:  North Korea and South KoreaCommon Greeting:  ?????Fun Facts:Korean is considered a language isolate, meaning it isnt related to other languages. However, debate still exists as to whether it might be related to Japanese or South Indian languages.Korean has also sometimes been considered a possible Altaic language, meaning it could be related to languages as seem ingly disperse as Finnish and Mongolian.Korean has evolved through several stages. The earliest form of Korean was used in prehistoric times.According to Hunminjeongeum Haerye, a scholarly work, the Korean alphabet is meant to represent what your tongue, throat, teeth and palate must do to form the sounds.Our Korean Language and Culture Blog is one of the newest additions to FluentUs lineup of blogs!13. GermanNumber of Speakers:  76.8 millionWhere Its Spoken:  Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, LiechtensteinCommon Greeting:  HalloFun Facts:German is a West Germanic language, making it a close relative of English and Dutch.Evidence of Old High German, modern Germans ancestor, dates back to the 6th century.While German is composed primarily of original vocabulary, it also contains loanwords from Latin, French, Greek and Italian.German has a lot of compound words. These occur when several existing words are combined to make one word. Needless to say, it can lead to som e really long words.FluentUs German Language and Culture Blog is your one-stop-shopping choice for learning more about this beautiful language!14. FrenchNumber of Speakers:  76.1 millionWhere Its Spoken:  France, Canada, Haiti, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Monaco and over 20 African nations including Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Chad and moreCommon Greeting:  Bonjour  Fun Facts:French is a Gallo-Romance language, making it a close cousin of lesser known regional languages like Picard, Normand and Bourgignon. As a Romance language, its also a more distant cousin of Spanish and Portuguese.The earliest known text in French appeared in 842.French is an official language in 29 countries.From the 17th century through the middle of the 20th century, French was the most common language used for diplomacy.Learn more about French language and the culture of different French-speaking countries on  our French blog. 15. TeluguNumber of Speakers:  74.2 millionWhere Its Spoken:  Eastern IndiaCommon Greeting:  ?????????Fun Facts:Telugu is a Dravidian language, related to languages in India and Sri Lanka. However, its also related to some languages found in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Singapore.Telugu was influenced greatly by Sanskrit.The first text describing the language appeared in the 13th century.Native tradition holds that the grammar has ancient origins.Inscriptions in Telugu go back to 400 B.C.16. MarathiNumber of Speakers:  71.8 millionWhere Its Spoken:  IndiaCommon Greeting:  ????Fun Facts:Marathi is an Indo-Aryan language related to Hindi, Bengali, Urdu and Lahnda.Marthi is thought to date back more than 2,000 years. It  descends from Maharashtri Prakrit, a language spoken from 500 B.C. to 500 A.D. Maharashtri Prakrit descended from Sanskrit, so Marathi also has a significant Sanskrit influence.The Marathi language appeared in 11th century inscriptions .Marathi uses the  Devanagari alphabet, which Hindi also uses. However, they use slightly different versions of the alphabet.17. TurkishNumber of Speakers:  71.1 millionWhere Its Spoken:  Turkey, CyprusCommon Greeting:  MerhabaFun Facts:Turkish is a Turkic language, related to languages found from Southeast Europe through Central Asia.Inscriptions in Old Turkic, the predecessor of modern Turkish, date to the 8th century.Large numbers of Persian and Arabic loanwords were added to the Turkish language in the 10th century.Turkish used to be written in a version of an Arabic script. In 1929, Latin script was made compulsory for public communications.18. UrduNumber of Speakers:  69.1 millionWhere Its Spoken:  Pakistan, IndiaCommon Greeting:  ????Fun Facts:Urdu and Hindi have a lot in common and are frequently grouped together. In fact, Urdu was often called Hindi from the 13th to 18th century.Hindi and Urdu have separate writing systems and each is usually associated with a different cou ntry. Urdu is more often linked to Pakistan, while Hindi is associated with India.Since Urdu and Turkish both borrow from Persian and Arabic, they share some pronunciations.Urdu is written from right to left.19. VietnameseNumber of Speakers:  68.1 millionWhere Its Spoken:  VietnamCommon Greeting:  Xin chàoFun Facts:Vietnamese is currently thought to be an Austroasiatic language, in the same family as Khmer.The Vietnamese language borrows heavily from Chinese and French.Vietnamese doesnt have articles, plurals or gendered words.There are six different tones. This means that changing the tone of a vowel can change an entire words meaning.Written Vietnamese used to employ Chinese characters but has since adopted a modified Latin script.20. TamilNumber of Speakers:  68 millionWhere Its Spoken:  South India, Singapore, Sri LankaCommon Greeting:  ???????Fun Facts:Tamil is a Dravidian language, related to Telugu and other languages in India and Sri Lanka. Additional Dravidian languages ar e found in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Singapore.Tamil inscriptions have been found from the 5th century B.C.The first known book printed in an Indian language was written in Tamil.Modern Tamil adheres to linguistic purism, which means the language avoids loanwords.For more information on language distribution and importance of world languages, the  World Economic Forum  provides helpful charts.  Additionally, the CIA World Factbook provides a detailed breakdown of what languages are spoken in each country.With thousands of beautiful languages, these 20 most common languages are just the tip of the iceberg. Dont hesitate to delve in deeper and learn more about the many magnificent languages of the world!

How much money can you make teaching in Japan

How much money can you make teaching in Japan Moving abroad to teach English can be a scary thought. After all, it takes an adventurous person (and an open mind) to move from one country to another (and from one culture to another). If you’re looking for a teach abroad destination that packs a whole lot of appeal for expats, look no further than Japan - one of the most beautiful (and fun) places to live on earth. Japan is not only home to deep historical culture, mouth-watering cuisine and fantastic people - it’s also home to one of the best job markets for English teachers abroad. The JET program alone hires around 1,000 graduates every year. Thousands of English teaching positions at private language schools open up in Japan at any given time of the year, as people conclude their contracts and head back home to face the real world. If you’re looking for a high-paying English teaching gig abroad, rest assured that Japan is up there with other countries that pay teachers the most. First off, how easy is it to get a job teaching English in Japan? Qualifying for English teaching jobs in Japan is pretty doable. If you come from an English-speaking country, your bachelor’s degree and TEFL certificate will suffice. You’ll also need an employer who can help you secure your work visa. Check out our blog covering the requirements for teaching English in Japan for more in-depth coverage on that topic. Now that we’ve piqued your curiosity, you’re now in all likelihood wondering what the average salary for a teacher in Japan is. Let’s take a closer look, shall we? Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. OK, now I know what I need to qualify for teaching jobs in Japan. But what are the salaries like? This really depends on your qualification level. Teachers tend to make upwards of $2,200 USD, with the best jobs paying as much as $5,900 to the most experienced teachers. That probably doesn’t feel that helpful and you’re more than likely wondering where exactly you fall on that scale…which is exactly what we’re here to help you figure out. Starting teaching salaries in Japan for new grads or inexperienced teachers Japan is quite strict and has set a national minimum annual salary of 3.4 million Yen (or $31,000 USD) for full-time foreign English teachers working in the country. Which means that whether you’re working as an: Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) in a public or private school Eikaiwa (private English school) teacher This means can expect to earn at least 250,000 Yen (roughly $2,200 USD) a month to start with. Your wage will increase depending on your qualifications, experience and employer. For example, JET program participants receive a monthly salary of 280,000 Yen (around $2,500 USD) teaching in their first year. University ESL teaching salaries in Japan If you have an advanced degree, and ESL certificate and plenty of classroom experience, you could also apply to teach at a college or university. Salaries here are quite lucrative, at around 400,000 YEN (or $3,600 USD) a month. Experienced/certified teaching salaries in Japan If you’re an experienced, licensed educator, then you can expect to earn anywhere from 300,000 to 650,000 Yen ($2,700 - 5,900 USD) teaching at an international school in Japan. The huge variance in salaries at Japanese international schools depends on how in-demand your subject specialty is, as well as where you’re teaching. For example, you can expect to earn on the upper end of the pay scale while teaching at an international school located in Tokyo. Private English tutoring salaries in Japan As a freelance ESL teacher in Japan, you can reasonably expect to earn around 2,700 Yen ($25 USD) for each private English tutoring session you take on. (Bonus: As most of the private ESL lessons are scheduled after school hours, you’ll also have your mornings free!) Note: You’ll also be liable to pay income tax (plus local taxes if you’re planning on staying for more than a year. However, Japanese income tax is dramatically lower than what you’re likely used to in your home country - an estimated 12,000 - 15,000 Yen ($100 - 150) a year. If you’re on the hook for your own rent, then you’ll need to set aside anything from 55,000 - 90,000 Yen ($450 - 800 USD) per paycheck. Your WiFi bill should be in or around 3,500 Yen ($30 USD) each month. How much can you save teaching in Japan? While this largely depends on your spending habits, your saving potential while teaching in Japan can range anywhere from 25 - 35% of your take-home pay. Tokyo is undoubtedly one of the most eye-wateringly expensive cities to live in in the world, but there’s a huge demand for English teachers in other, more affordable cities in Japan, like Kanawasa, Hiroshima, Osaka, Tokyo, Nagano, Nagoya, Kobe and Kyoto. Although the cost of living in the bigger cities in Japan is higher than in neighboring Asian countries like China and Korea, your English teacher salary is still more than enough to live, travel and save on. And that’s without factoring in extra perks and benefits, like: Free return flights Work visa sponsorship Health insurance Heavily subsidized (or sometimes free) housing Paid vacation If you’re working as an eikaiwa or ALT teacher, your transportation costs are also usually covered by your employer. To directly compare the cost of living in your home country vs. Japan, check out Expatistan’s helpful calculator. So, if you’re comparing the salaries of ESL teachers in Japan to those of teachers placed in other countries, make sure you include benefits. For instance, a housing allocation is worth its weight in dollars and then some. What’s the deal with health insurance for English teachers in Japan? For the most part, the healthcare in Japan is excellent and comes with your salary package. The only thing to be wary of is the lack of English speaking doctors in some rural areas…you’ll probably need to swallow your pride and drag along a Japanese friend/interpreter! Or get a bus to the nearest city! Average salaries for teachers in Japan at a glance Let’s quickly recap average salaries for teaching jobs in Japan: English teacher job type Monthly salary Eikaiwa teacher 250,000 Yen ALT teacher with the JET Program 280,000 Yen University ESL instructor 400,000 Yen International teacher 300 - 650,000 Yen Private English teacher 2,700 Yen/lesson The world is chock-full of Japanese culture. This plays a huge role in why it is the ultimate destination for so many TEFL teachers. Some first-time teachers even teach in a few of the neighboring countries to build up the experience for their dream job in Japan. Although, you can definitely land an ESL job in Japan with just aTEFL certificateand a 4-year degree (and maybe evenwithout a college degree!) ESL teachers often place Japan at the top of their list so it can be quite competitive. That being said, most people don’t shop around and merely send in a JET application. Okay, pause briefly and let this sink in:JET is not the only way to teach English in Japan. There are plenty of other teach abroad programs in Japan and more than one way to get the Japanese job of your dreams. Ready to make bank teaching in Japan? Great! If you’re interested in working as an ALT teacher in Japan, then your best bet is to apply to become a JET Program participant. If teaching at an eikaiwa school in Japan is more in your wheelhouse, then check Aeon recruit applicants year round. Otherwise, check out the latest English teaching jobs in Japan on the Teach Away site and get your application in, stat! Ganbare! (That’s “good luck” in Japanese )

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Passport to Teach Resources Recorded webinars and resume samples

Passport to Teach Resources Recorded webinars and resume samples Whether you’re pursuing a better career in education immediately or over time, at home, or overseas, Teach Away’s career development week packed in a pile of valuable information designed to help you learn and grow as an educator. We met with Teach Away Placement Coordinators and teachers around the world to plan a week of webinars with focused discussion topics each day of the week. We covered what you need to know if landing an international placement with Teach Away is a goal of yours.Unfortunately, not everyone was able to tune in each and every day to catch the Passport to Teach webinars live, so we’ve recorded, uploaded, and shared last week’s content here:Passport to Teach | Get Started With Your Teach Abroad ApplicationPassport to Teach | The Complete Teacher Resume & How to Make it Yours  Passport to Teach | Qualifications: Do You Have What It Takes to Teach Abroad?Passport to Teach | Get Ready to Ace Your Teacher InterviewPassport to Teach | Teacher Experiences Fire side Chat  We've also shared our free resume samples. Feel free to reference or download and edit these samples when you overhaul your teaching resume:Free Teach Away Passport to Teach Resume Samples

Saudi 101 teaching and living in Saudi Arabia

Saudi 101 teaching and living in Saudi Arabia Wondering what life is like for teachers in Saudi Arabia? Read this QA for a little more insight. What have you found to be the toughest cultural adjustments about living in Saudi Arabia? As an American, I’m used to more social freedoms. There were several adjustments for me, including limitations to the kinds of meat that I eat, my public interactions with the opposite sex, and my alcohol intake. What has changed about your public interactions with the opposite sex? Men and women aren’t allowed to speak to one another in public unless they’re related or they are married. This also means that you’ll see many shops that don’t have female clerks. What about the cost of living? How much money do you save and how much do you spend? For me, it’s very affordable and I manage to put away quite a bit each month. I make about 3,500 USD each month, and it’s impossible for me to spend all of that each month. I spend about $400 a month on food and leave some money for taxis and shopping. Then I either save the rest or use it to pay off student loans. It’s allowing me to pay off my debts really, really quickly. What about rent? My accommodations are included in my contract, this means I live rent free. This is pretty typical of teaching contracts in Saudi Arabia. Can you share a little information about your life on the compound then? Compounds do have quite a huge expat community and it’s easy to meet friends because you’re surrounded by likeminded people. It also allows you more freedoms than public life. The compound is guarded by Saudi military. It looks scary but it’s for the protection of the inhabitants, though Saudi is generally much safer than most American cities. But you might see guards with machine guns. The compounds allow foreigners some of their usual freedoms and the Saudi laws are relaxed here. Is there anything unique about your life in Saudi Arabia that you enjoy? The geographical landscape here is really something that I’m in awe of. For example, sometimes I leave my compound and go visit the desert outside of Riyadh - I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. Also, though some people might not expect it, I’ve formed a really strong circle of friends. Do you get homesick? How do you mitigate this? It’s not a big deal - firstly, I get to travel home once a year. I definitely take advantage of that. Plus, I get lots of vacation time and a pretty hefty salary, so I could supplement another trip home if I wanted. Secondly, whenever I miss my family or friends, I just reach out to them on Skype or Facebook. We do a pretty good job of keeping in touch that way. If you’d like to see what jobs we have available in Saudi Arabia right now, take a look at our job board.

The Organic Chemistry Tutor Alpha, Beta, Gamma Type

The Organic Chemistry Tutor Alpha, Beta, Gamma TypeIn a very unprofessional statement, the Organic Chemistry Tutor is not any better than the traditional kind. This is obviously a fact. But, to prove it, I will use the Organic Chemistry Tutor Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta types that have recently been released.Alpha is an ordinary mechanical combination of two chemicals. Beta is the opposite of this. It is more similar to being a chemical that 'forgets' its previous chemical and then tries to do the same.For example, if you were studying the properties of acetic acid and citric acid, you would want to write down that you find the properties of acidic (H) to be more similar to what it has been before. (I) It is an added hint for the student to make sure he is already having a question in mind.As I said, the beta is a less certain quality of being the same chemical, but it is a great tool to test to see if your answer is correct. The Alpha's are simple enough that the student can just jot down the class name he is looking for and then start typing it down on the keyboard. The important thing is to remember that you can only type down the name of the class you are looking up, but not where the student is at.While you can just pick up a sheet of paper and put down anything you want, the Beta's are great because you have a specific feature that helps you a lot to find the right answer. You must also pay attention to the future of the Beta's in order to get the most accurate results.Sometimes, the Beta will let you know if you have the wrong answer or not. For example, when you type in the word phi, it will tell you if you are getting the right answer or not. If the Beta tells you you are getting the wrong answer, you can always take the time to look it up and read all the possible information on how to get a correct answer.The organic chemistry tutor Alpha, Beta, and Gamma are an excellent way to learn the basics of the subject and then move on to the other types. T he Beta's help you to better understand the chemical. The organic chemistry tutor Alpha, Beta, and Gamma are helpful for good old-fashioned chemistry homework.

How To Get Some Chemistry Tutor Tips

How To Get Some Chemistry Tutor TipsChemistry tutor tips and hints will prove useful in a student's studies. For example, students have to understand that the chemical elements must be arranged in an orderly way so that the materials will look different. Hints and tips will help the student to make connections between various scientific theories and to understand the atomic structure of the elements. You can search online for chemistry tutor tips.There are websites that offer chemistry tutor tips. Teachers who are interested in providing guidance for their students can become part of these sites. In this way, they get to know the student's strengths and weaknesses and try to make changes according to those. For example, a teacher might want to alter an assignment to improve a student's understanding of a specific subject. This can work to the advantage of the teacher who can identify strengths and weaknesses and who can find ways to develop his or her student's capacity.Tutors can al so find useful tips in studying and preparing for examinations. Students who go for a bachelor's degree often begin in one-year courses. These are taken after an examination and exams so that students can brush up on the theory and skills that they need for taking examinations. The tutor will help the student to acquire the skills that will be useful for these examinations. This will enable the student to take all examinations within the allotted time.Working as a tutor is a good way to make a living. Students who work as tutors can enjoy their profession and earn some money while doing it. It will not only give them a lot of practice but will also allow them to spend more time with their families. In addition, their work will involve helping others. Another advantage of working as a tutor is that it can improve the chemistry students' understanding of the nature of science. For example, if a student has a problem with his grasp of a chemical element, he will not be able to tell the difference between what is and what is not a chemical element.Tutors will not only have to look after the physical aspects of chemistry but also the social aspect. In a place where you live with other people, it is important to study chemistry in order to participate in social activities. A tutor can help the student understand that he can participate in groups that are related to the subject he studies. He can share his knowledge with his classmates. This can help the student understand the importance of his social activities and other people's participation in them. You can also help to build friendships when the student lives with other students in your class.It is possible to make a living as a chemistry tutor. Many people like the idea of being part of such a profession. You can always look for gigs. You can find many people who will offer tutoring in this field. By filling out applications, you can start working as a tutor.Tutoring can be a great career for those who want to learn. They can earn lots of money while doing so.

Why Schools Are Considering Year Round Classes

Why Schools Are Considering Year Round Classes As summer is winding down, ponder the possibility that some schools are considering no summer breaks at all. The idea of year-round schooling, meaning no break is longer than eight weeks, has been tossed around for years, and an article in the District Administration just revisited the debate. Proponents of year-round schooling argue that students dont do anything over the summer. They dont read, they dont look at math problems or history facts. They do nothing and essentially forget all the information they learned the previous year. They argue that the last month or so of school is a waste because students cannot focus on anything but summer, and that the first month is worthless because students have to get back in the learning mindset. Proponents say students lose about two months of math skills achievement over the summer. Its worse for low-income students because they dont have access or the resources for summer learning programs. They lose more than two months in reading achievement. But, middle-class students make slight reading gains, according to the National Summer Learning Association. Others have even tied obesity to summers off, claiming students eat a lot of junk food over the summer, instead of healthier school lunches. Opponents argue that it can increase education costs as more faculty and administrators will be needed. Also, some schools will have to install air conditioning units for summer temperatures. Other schools may even need to build new facilities. In 2006-2007, more than 2 million students were in year-round programs, representing 3,000 schools and 46 states. Since then, the number has remained fairly steady, but the idea is gaining steam again with education reform debate. President Barack Obama has called for longer school years to help American students compete with foreign students and regain some ground. In other countries, some students have 25-30 percent longer school years than American students. Education Secretary Arne Duncan is also a big proponent of year-round and extended schooling. He was the CEO of Chicago Public Schools from 2001-2008 when it adopted year-round schooling. Some believe the Obama/Duncan combination has enough motivation and desire to change the traditional 9-month, summers-off calendar. There are three separate systems for year round education. The single track system is the most popular and accounts for 90 percent of all year-round programs. The single track has shorter breaks scattered periodically throughout the school year instead of one long summer break. But cost is a major issue with this system. Many schools will need air conditioning for this program. However, some argue that the additional costs of running air conditioning are offset by reduced heating costs in the winter when students are on a short vacation. They argue there is no additional cost. It still has the typical 180-day school calendar. The second system is the multitrack, which divides the student body into groups. One group will be on vacation while the other is in school. This can save school districts money by not building more schools while still increasing enrollment. Like the single track, the multitrack still has the 180-day calendar. The third system is the extended year. It adds 15-20 days onto the calendar. Obama and Duncan are heavily endorsing this system, but it is the most costly to implement because schools will have more costs with staying open longer and hiring more staff members.

15+ Fun (and Free) French Activities for Kids

15+ Fun (and Free) French Activities for Kids Sign up successful To make it easy to browse, the activities are broken down into various categories, such as French cultural activities, French grammar activities, French vocabulary activities, and more. French Cultural Activities 1. Take your child to a museum France has produced some of the most talented artists, such as Monet and Renoir. Check your local museum’s schedule to see when it is featuring a French-inspired exhibition and bring your child along. The admission for children is typically free. 2. Celebrate French holidays Celebrating important French holidays, such as Bastille Day, will teach your child about French history. Celebrate by making some fun crafts or taking part in holiday traditions. Similar to the Fourth of July, the French display fireworks.   3. Cook a French meal Familiarize your child with French cuisine by having him or her help you whip up a traditional French meal. Your child can channel their inner Julia Child with traditional French dishes, such as quiche and crème brûlée. 4. Watch a French movie Fire up Netflix and host a French movie night with your family. Here are some kid-friendly French movies you and your child can enjoy: “A Monster in Paris,” “The Red Ballon,” and “Tintin and the Lake of Sharks.” 5. Listen to French music Do you have a Pandora or Spotify account? Download some French tunes to listen to while at home or on the road. Listening to French music will help familiarize your child with French accents and pronunciations. French Grammar Activities 6. Play Simon Says Put a French spin on the game Simon Says. Take on the role of Simon and issue commands. For example, Simon says…le pied!  or Simon says…le nez. This French activity  does a great job teaching kids the different body parts in French. 7. Twenty Questions Give this guessing game a French twist. First, think of a place or person and keep it to yourself. Your child will ask you 20 yes or no questions in French to determine what place or person you’re thinking of. 8. Put on a scavenger hunt Set up a fun scavenger hunt around the yard or house. At each destination, your child will have to read a clue (in French) to move onto the next destination. At the end, reward your child with a fun toy or treat. 9. Act it out together Gather the family and play a game of charades. First, divide everyone into two teams. Then, write out a selection of French verbs, nouns, or phrases to act out. The first team will act out a verb, noun, and phrase, while the other team guesses. 10. French nursery rhymes A great way to learn French is through song. “Alouette” and “Frere Jacques” are two of the most popular French nursery songs that kids learn. Print out the song and sing along with your child. French Vocabulary Activities 11. Puzzles You can download and print dozens of free French crosswords and word searches for your child. He or she will have fun playing, while simultaneously learning French vocabulary and simple sentences. Keep a stack in the car for long road trips. 12. Memory game Create some French flashcards and place them face down on a table. Your child will flip over two cards. If the pictures match, your child will flip over two more cards. The point of the game is to match all of the cards from memory. 13. Coloring books Purchase a French coloring book for as little as $5 on Amazon. These coloring books will spark your child’s creativity, while helping him or her  learn various vocabulary words and themes. 14. Read French books There are a ton of beginner French books. Le Petit Prince is one of the most well-known French children’s books. You can find the book in almost any brick and mortar or online book store. 15. Hangman This French activity  is played exactly like the original Hangman version, except you are using French vocabulary words and phrases instead of English. French Number Activities 16. Throw a bingo night Create your own bingo cards from materials around the house or print some boards from the web. Your child will have to listen and identify what number you’re saying out loud. 17. Toss it Standing in a circle, throw a tennis ball to another person within the circle. Once the person catches the ball, he or she must say the next number in French. If the person doesnt know the correct number or mispronounces it, he or she will step outside the circle. 18. Uno This classic card game is great for teaching your child French numbers. To make the game educational, have your child say the number of each card he or she  plays in French. Go Play! Getting your child to practice French outside of the classroom doesnt have to be difficult. Plan to do one or more of these French activities every  week and you will see vast improvements in your childs language abilities. Do you have any French activities that you play with your child? Share it with us in the comments section below! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher